of July is coming up, it’s time for the red, white and blue day.
Family and
friends come together and celebrate.
With parades, picnics, barbecues and fireworks.
With parades, picnics, barbecues and fireworks.
We do know that this is one of the best holidays!
You can
choose your favourite 4th of July thing, favourite colors or
YOU feel like!
YOU feel like!
Here are some
examples of what you can do:
Put a hat on
your cat.
Alt blir pyntet med fargene rødt, hvitt og blått. Så når alt blir pyntet, hvorfor ikke sette prikken over i’en? Frydalize ditt eget 4. juli deksel!
Velg mellom din favorittmat, farge eller ting som du syntes passer best til 4. Juli!
Over ser du litt eksempler på hva du kan gjøre.
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